Neak Tannsivmeng

Neak Tannsivmeng

Legal Assistant

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Personal Biography

Mr. Tannsivmeng is a dedicated legal professional with a solid academic foundation, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Law from the Royal University of Law and Economics. This educational background has equipped him with a broad understanding of legal principles and practices, essential for his specialized role in the legal field. Mr. Tannsivmeng has carved a niche for himself as a process server, a role that requires meticulous attention to detail and exceptional reliability. As a process server, he is tasked with the critical responsibility of delivering legal documents to their intended recipients across the country. This role extends beyond mere delivery; it includes submitting court papers, retrieving documents for lawyers, and ensuring legal parties are aware of and receive necessary court documents in a timely manner. His job is crucial in the legal process, as it ensures that individuals involved in litigation are properly notified about the actions against them and the proceedings they are part of.


  • He specializes as a process server, responsible for delivering legal documents and ensuring legal parties are properly notified about court proceedings.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Law from Royal University of Law and Economics