Samith Vortey

Samith Vortey


Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Personal Biography

Ms. Samith Vortey is a distinguished legal professional with a comprehensive educational and professional background. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics, a cornerstone institution renowned for producing skilled legal practitioners. This foundational education equipped her with a broad understanding of legal principles and practices. Her areas of specialization are extensive and cover a wide range of legal disciplines, including Real Estate Law, Taxation Law, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property Law, Banking Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Insurance Law, Labour and Employment Law, Contract Law, and Commercial Law. This diverse expertise allows her to handle complex legal issues across various sectors, making her a versatile asset to her clients and her firm.


  • Before becoming a licensed lawyer, she worked for five consecutive years as a legal assistant in various law offices and a law group, gaining valuable practical experience.
  • She passed the bar exam in 2018 and became a fully licensed lawyer in October 2020.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Law from Royal University of Law and Economics